The EVEX Group
Four pillars of digital excellence

The EVEX Group
Four pillars of digital excellence

The EVEX Group
Four pillars of digital excellence

The EVEX Group has acquired a portfolio of the industry's most trusted brands to provide opticians, hearing care professionals and therapists with optimal support in digitalisation.

The EVEX Group has acquired a portfolio of the industry's most trusted brands to provide opticians, hearing care professionals and therapists with optimal support in digitalisation.

The EVEX Group has acquired a portfolio of the industry's most trusted brands to provide opticians, hearing care professionals and therapists with optimal support in digitalisation.

Leading cloud software for opticians, audiologists and therapists in Europe

Leading cloud software for opticians, audiologists and therapists in Europe

Leading cloud software for opticians, audiologists and therapists in Europe

Full-service software and marketing without compromise for opticians and acousticians

Full-service software and marketing without compromise for opticians and acousticians

Full-service software and marketing without compromise for opticians and acousticians

Tailor-made and highly customisable software for opticians and audiologists

Tailor-made and highly customisable software for opticians and audiologists

Tailor-made and highly customisable software for opticians and audiologists

Leading cloud software for opticians and acousticians in the UK and Ireland

Leading cloud software for opticians and acousticians in the UK and Ireland

Leading cloud software for opticians and acousticians in the UK and Ireland


Specialst Shops


Specialst Shops


Specialst Shops














Market Position DACH


Market Position DACH


Market Position DACH


Market Position UK


Market Position UK


Market Position UK

Geographical footprint

Geographical footprint

Geographical footprint

With roots in the UK and the DACH region, our solutions are now in use in 20 European countries.

With roots in the UK and the DACH region, our solutions are now in use in 20 European countries.

With roots in the UK and the DACH region, our solutions are now in use in 20 European countries.

Simpler administration,
better patient care.

Simpler administration,
better patient care.

Simpler administration,
better patient care.

With our leading PMS software and our comprehensive range of services, we take the pressure off healthcare providers. This allows them to concentrate on what is really important: excellent patient care.

With our leading PMS software and our comprehensive range of services, we take the pressure off healthcare providers. This allows them to concentrate on what is really important: excellent patient care.

With our leading PMS software and our comprehensive range of services, we take the pressure off healthcare providers. This allows them to concentrate on what is really important: excellent patient care.

Decentralised management, clear responsibilities

Decentralised management, clear responsibilities

Decentralised management, clear responsibilities

Our group is managed by the EVEX management, but the heart of our activities lies with the individual companies. Each company has a dedicated management team that provides special attention and expertise in its respective area.

Our group is managed by the EVEX management, but the heart of our activities lies with the individual companies. Each company has a dedicated management team that provides special attention and expertise in its respective area.

Our group is managed by the EVEX management, but the heart of our activities lies with the individual companies. Each company has a dedicated management team that provides special attention and expertise in its respective area.

Toni Schmidt


Toni Schmidt


Toni Schmidt


Toni has been CEO of the EVEX Group since 2022. Before joining EVEX, Toni was CEO of Synformulas, an OTC pharmaceutical company from Munich, and CEO of CHECK24 Shopping. Before that, he most recently advised clients in Europe and Asia on strategy, marketing and organizational issues as an Associate Partner at McKinsey & Company.

Toni is a business economist (B.A. and M.A. from the University of St. Gallen) and obtained a Dr. rer. pol. in Marketing & Consumer Psychology from WHU. Toni spends his free time with his wife and two sons, cycling, jogging, windsurfing and skiing.

Toni has been CEO of the EVEX Group since 2022. Before joining EVEX, Toni was CEO of Synformulas, an OTC pharmaceutical company from Munich, and CEO of CHECK24 Shopping. Before that, he most recently advised clients in Europe and Asia on strategy, marketing and organizational issues as an Associate Partner at McKinsey & Company.

Toni is a business economist (B.A. and M.A. from the University of St. Gallen) and obtained a Dr. rer. pol. in Marketing & Consumer Psychology from WHU. Toni spends his free time with his wife and two sons, cycling, jogging, windsurfing and skiing.

Toni has been CEO of the EVEX Group since 2022. Before joining EVEX, Toni was CEO of Synformulas, an OTC pharmaceutical company from Munich, and CEO of CHECK24 Shopping. Before that, he most recently advised clients in Europe and Asia on strategy, marketing and organizational issues as an Associate Partner at McKinsey & Company.

Toni is a business economist (B.A. and M.A. from the University of St. Gallen) and obtained a Dr. rer. pol. in Marketing & Consumer Psychology from WHU. Toni spends his free time with his wife and two sons, cycling, jogging, windsurfing and skiing.

Jens Reichling


Jens Reichling


Jens has been CFO of the EVEX Group since 2022. Previously, he was CFO at Synformulas, Vertanical and various subsidiaries of the Schaeffler Group.

He began his professional career at Houlihan Lokey in financial restructuring before working at Kearney as a strategy consultant for international telecommunications groups.

Jens has been CFO of the EVEX Group since 2022. Previously, he was CFO at Synformulas, Vertanical and various subsidiaries of the Schaeffler Group.

He began his professional career at Houlihan Lokey in financial restructuring before working at Kearney as a strategy consultant for international telecommunications groups.

Jens Reichling


Jens has been CFO of the EVEX Group since 2022. Previously, he was CFO at Synformulas, Vertanical and various subsidiaries of the Schaeffler Group.

He began his professional career at Houlihan Lokey in financial restructuring before working at Kearney as a strategy consultant for international telecommunications groups.

Leif Jansen

Finance Manager EVEX Group

Leif Jansen

Finance Manager EVEX Group

Leif joined the EVEX Group in 2023 as Finance Manager. Before that, he worked in controlling at a Munich-based pharmaceutical company. He has a master's degree in business administration.

The northern German native likes to spend his free time by the sea, at Bavarian lakes, in the mountains or at football games.

Leif joined the EVEX Group in 2023 as Finance Manager. Before that, he worked in controlling at a Munich-based pharmaceutical company. He has a master's degree in business administration.

The northern German native likes to spend his free time by the sea, at Bavarian lakes, in the mountains or at football games.

Leif Jansen

Finance Manager EVEX Group

Leif joined the EVEX Group in 2023 as Finance Manager. Before that, he worked in controlling at a Munich-based pharmaceutical company. He has a master's degree in business administration.

The northern German native likes to spend his free time by the sea, at Bavarian lakes, in the mountains or at football games.

Our Management

Entrepreneurial spirit and experience.

Our Management

Entrepreneurial spirit and experience.

Our Management

Entrepreneurial spirit and experience.

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